
Hex Chests Remastered: Artisan Dice Boxes

Created by Elder Wood

The next evolution of our iconic Hex Chest dice boxes in glorious polished wood and supple leather.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Eclipse = pie face
over 6 years ago – Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 09:16:15 PM

As we had not foreseen, a new experience enters our lives. And smears itself all over our faces.

Whelp. "Thank you" for helping us hit a stretch goal we didn't really expect to hit 0_o. We just rolled in from JenKenSen last night and realized we were going to have to do this thing.

From the bottom of both of our tomalley-filled totally-not-seething bellies, thank you :D It was actually a lot of fun to shoot.

We couldn't get the .gif to load properly in Kickstarter so we uploaded short and long versions of proof right here.

It was so nice to meet some of you in the faux shop this weekend!
It was so nice to meet some of you in the faux shop this weekend!

Updates on art and more about JenKenSen stuff coming soon! For reals though, thank you all for being so supportive and generous. Looooove youuuu,


Q&D&Lobster Rage

As promised, the update to eclipse all updates
over 6 years ago – Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 09:16:12 PM

We were hearing too many eclipso jokes

It now makes sense to us why people would have performed human sacrifice to keep the sun from going away during the day. If we have to squeak out another chuckle at an eclipse-based pun it’ll be lights out for us (*extremely satisfied with self emoji* *smug sunglasses emoji*).

The first law of surviving the booth: if it moves, eat it.
The first law of surviving the booth: if it moves, eat it.

JenKenSen was amazing. This year was Gen50 which means a full 50 generations of gamer-clones had reached maturity to attend. It was a little Matrix-y to see exact duplicates visit the booth multiple times. For simplicity, if you see our Quentin and Dan clones slash originals, you can just pretend we’re all the same people. Other than a few goods that appear to have walked off our shelves on their own (and honestly, we probably couldn’t in good conscience own or sell sentient loot) the show felt like the thing it’s billed to be: a vast and splendid celebration of gaming with a bunch of neat, like-minded people. Y’all are so much fun :)

The exhibitor hall before attendees are allowed in. In a word? Emptier.
The exhibitor hall before attendees are allowed in. In a word? Emptier.


I just found another gray hair on my werewolf arms
I just found another gray hair on my werewolf arms
The lifecycle of a scroll: rolly-polly, pilly-willy, flatty-patty (then death, of course).
The lifecycle of a scroll: rolly-polly, pilly-willy, flatty-patty (then death, of course).

Art harder

We’re updating art on the homepage as I write this, but to get a sense of how some of the new inlays look we did test runs on veneer. Take a look!

Take a goose AND a gander, says me
Take a goose AND a gander, says me

Thank you all for this wild ride! We’ll see you on the other siiiiiide,



Penny Arcade Acquisitions Inc Hex Chests!
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Aug 01, 2017 at 10:54:05 AM

In the war of “to click bait or to (1)/(click bait)” we’ve clearly chosen sides. Your move, ambiguous titles! We’re super super super excited to announce that Penny Arcade’s Acquisitions Inc crew are picking up some special themed Hex Chests Remastered to take on their adventures, and they’re letting us share them with you.

The impact of delivery generally kills anyone waiting for one. We mean not kills. Oops.
The impact of delivery generally kills anyone waiting for one. We mean not kills. Oops.

The Acq Inc Hex Chest Remastered comes in wenge with maple inlay, special Acq Inc dice, and comes with its own baggie. They definitely were NOT picked up from dead Acq Inc interns and sent back into circulation.

Plenty of storage space, enough for an entire body's worth of ashes.
Plenty of storage space, enough for an entire body's worth of ashes.


That little blood smudge? Probably ketchup.
That little blood smudge? Probably ketchup.

Never gonna ketch-u-up, never gonna let you doooooown.



Updaticus Prime - stretching, floating, and opening our interiors
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 11:59:22 AM

Welcome, Kickstarteers, to update prime! Thank you so much for supporting us and making day one maximally tingly and woozy. You will find we are doggedly grateful hosts who can’t wait to start karate-chopping wood into Hex Chest Remastered sized pieces. Seriously, you’re making it possible for us to do more D&D stuff. This is ze most joy we can feel.

Now that you’re stuck with us (unless you unpledge)(but please don’t unpledge)(this is why we went to prom with our moms) we are going to bury you in updates. Lightly dust you in updates. This is our last update.

Jk can you imagine? It’ll be like a cracked fire hydrant; drink up.

Stretch goals - reach for the stars! And wood!

Ayyyayayayaya! Thanks to the generous support of backers like you (and specifically Jekotia :p), we can offer purpleheart as an option for Hex Chests Remastered. Purpleheart is really pretty and before it’s all sanded and nice it’s the number one cause of finger splinters in Dans. Dan feels “:(“ about that. Yay purpleheart!

Floaty Thing  

Because apparently the thing we’ve been engrossing ourselves in is about equally as interesting as a goofy side-project, we’ve added more information about Floaty Thing to the body of the Kickstarter. Now you can actually figure out what it is and what it do.

Open interior of Hex Chests Remastered?

Do you all want us to make open interiors of Hex Chests Remastered? If that’s a “yes” we’ll try to make it work and offer it for both Spellweavers and Runemasters.

That’s all for today; thank you for making this one so memorable :) Next update we’ll be discussing bats. Bats are cute.
