
Hex Chests Remastered: Artisan Dice Boxes

Created by Elder Wood

The next evolution of our iconic Hex Chest dice boxes in glorious polished wood and supple leather.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Beehives and Opens; what's that mean, exactly?
over 6 years ago – Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 06:19:18 PM

People have been asking a very reasonable question; "what does it mean to select open vs beehive on my survey? I would like bees, please" Here are pictures to help! To orient you, you're looking at the bottom of a Hex Chest Remastered that's midway through being carved and totally unfinished, but the internal style is proper.

Close up: open style. Far away: the affection of my brothers :(
Close up: open style. Far away: the affection of my brothers :(

Throughout the campaign our intention was to only offer beehive style interiors (which is what all the pictures/media have been), but a few people requested the open variant be available, and thenceforth confusion proliferated :D

Anyhoozle, that should help make surveys more sensical to some of you!



Lacewood is Leopardwood, and other oddities
over 6 years ago – Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 09:26:21 PM

Hi all! So surveys went out and whoo-boy, we did a poor job communicating some things and had mini-strokes with others.

Leopard wood is Lacewood

While not technically true, when we put together the surveys we apparently had side-by-side seizures and annotated Leopardwood as Lacewood. While they're similar woods, that was a whoopsy-daisy on our end. If you'd like a Leopardwood Remastered Hex Chest, then select "Lacewood" in the surveys.

Shipping is too pricey; we will credit you for multiple items

A mildly incongruous quirk of BackerKit is that we're required to enter shipping *per item* even if weight-wise that makes no sense. We didn't realize how many people were going to want lots of add-ons, so if you're paying more than $15 for domestic shipping or $25 for international, please reach out to us and we'll credit you. Just email us at info at elderwoodacademy dot com. Also: if you're buying lots of light items (dice, flat packs) reach out too; you shouldn't be paying much at all for shipping and we'll straighten you out.

As always, we want you to be happy with our playtime together; this is supposed to be fun ^_^

Images of wood type

Apparently we did a bad job of actually UPLOADING pictures we took of all the wood types. Clever us, eh? So here they are, minus Walnut which we've yet to make a single one of since it was added by last-minute request.







Leopardwood, which in the surveys is Lacewood >.<
Leopardwood, which in the surveys is Lacewood >.<
Wenge next to Padauk
Wenge next to Padauk


Left to right: Padauk, Bubinga, Leopardwood, Wenge
Left to right: Padauk, Bubinga, Leopardwood, Wenge

Beehive vs Open Hex Chests

Confirmed: Beehive is the version you've all seen in the campaign. Because some of y'alls asked for "open" style as we do with Hex Chests Classic, we added it on. Should have pics showing the essence of them tomorrow!



Surveys arrive with a flash of lightning and a crash of thunder
over 6 years ago – Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:02:26 PM

It only looks off-center because it is
It only looks off-center because it is

We’ve become obsessed with fabricating tales of Trash Pandacles, son of Raccoon Zeusacles. It’s fun; you should try it. So far he’s cleaned the Agean dumpster by eating its contents and stolen golden apples by climbing trees. It’s in his nature to be heroic.

These myths don't lie
These myths don't lie

BackerKit has approved us! We’ll start bombarding you with surveys shortly; first a trickle, then a deluge :D. They require us to send out a smattering at first to make sure we've done everything correctly; it's like a survey lottery. We’ve been busily making Hex Chests Remastered regardless though, so the delay in surveys will have no impact on delivery dates. Next campaign we’ll likely skip using a pledge manager altogether and create our own order management system, with blackjack, and hoo...uh, hoop...s. With hoops. For wholesome basketbal.

For Backers with September delivery dates, we’ve put you in the awkward “ahh!” position of needing your surveys to come through in the next week. For all other Backers we ask that you complete your surveys before October 31st. We want to get you your loot, yo!

Finally, for international backers: if you’ve pledged for multiple items and you’re being raked over the coals with shipping, reach out to us and we’ll ease your pain.

Much love but also get your surveys done please!

Naggingly yours,



Awww yeeee! Celebrate KS closing times!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 08:47:20 PM

The Hex Chest Remastered and That Floaty Thing Kickstarter is complete! Wooooo! With the closing of this chapter we open up the new exciting story of: let's hear your preferences and make you some stuffs!

We're using BackerKit again this time around, so in a few weeks you'll be getting surveys so we can track your selections and whatnot. For Early Bird Spellweavers we ask that you have your survey done by Sept 14th so we can get your order out the do'. For everyone else, help us make timely deliveries by having your surveys done before the end of September.

You can delay, of course. Take your time. That's fine. We'll have some video of Quentin sitting on his hands jumping up and down in his seat waiting anxiously for the next survey to show up :D There's a lot of B-roll of that anyway from all the candy we order for him through Amazon.




We're conning ourselves
over 6 years ago – Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 09:16:19 PM

This picture was taken near a puppy playground where we now eat all of our lunches.
This picture was taken near a puppy playground where we now eat all of our lunches.

GenConSon! (please to pronounce "Jenkensen")

It’s really too bad that confidence men (and women, we suppose) have given “con” a bad reputation. Now it sounds like we’re heading somewhere to scam people. Anyway we’re going to be at the general confidence festival (GenCon) from August 17th-August 20th! We’re booth 1261; come say “hi” or else we’ll just be stuck in an infinite loop of scamming each other. We require fresh blood! (Blood factors heavily into all of our scams).

Stretch those goals

As per your instructions, we've made Purpleheart and Canary wood Hex Chests Remastered! Behold, pictures for your hungry tummies. Nagel would approve. Super bonus fact: canaries probably have purple hearts.

Wolves love books. You can test this yourself but for legal reasons we're required to tell you that idea is AWESOME.
Wolves love books. You can test this yourself but for legal reasons we're required to tell you that idea is AWESOME.

Floaty thing renamed!

The Floaty Thing was kind of an afterthought so we never gave it a proper title. We think we have a decent one for it now, but we’re holding on to it for a bit to avoid confusion. Internally we called it “floaty magnetic magic science toy” (pronounced “FUHMST”) until a few days ago. Then we abruptly stopped calling it altogether. Get ghosted, magnets!

New art

Thank you all for the pledging and the backing! Thanks to the surplus of love from everyone, we’re working on getting new art done for both inlays and engravings. We should have samples up after GenCon; right now we’re planning out our capers at full speed in all directions at once (including opposing directions). Side note: running a Kickstarter right down the middle of a convention seemed like such a good idea…

New social media platform

We’re going live with our new social media platform, Twizzler. It’s like Twitter except you eat Twizzlers and infringe copyrights and look at pictures on your phone. Alone. We’re expecting big things.

Hugs and high fives!


Quentin and Darango