
Hex Chests Remastered: Artisan Dice Boxes

Created by Elder Wood

The next evolution of our iconic Hex Chest dice boxes in glorious polished wood and supple leather.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Bee Still my Beeting Heart
about 6 years ago – Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 12:06:32 PM

Why couldn’t “YOLO” have meant like “hello” instead of “drive without a seatbelt.” I would have liked a new “holler, ballers.” Like “yolo, amigo” has a nice ring to it.

The Good News

Remastered Hex Chests are rolling out the door very unlike hexagonal boxes (it’s going well. This is a convoluted way of saying they’ve been shipping). If you haven’t been head-butted by a cute little Remastered by the end of March, please reach out to us so we can find where your order is hiding and use a broom to scare it out from under the divan. They loves them a good divan.

The Less Good News

Floaty things are little bastards (or rather, our supplier has not overwhelmed us with how perfect they are). When we started doing quality control on the giant shipment we got we found we had an unacceptably high technical failure rate. We’re really not interested in sending you broken kit, so we’ve been putting the Floaty technical bits through rigorous and lengthy quality control testing. We don’t just want to pass on the woes of our supplier directly to you; that would have been lame and we would have been ashamed. To make sure we get you functional, fun stuff you actually want we slowed down the Floaty schedule through the end of May instead of getting it done this month. We always wrestle with decisions like this but ultimately we stick to one principle: we want you to be happy with what you get, and we want to be proud of what we sent you.

Testing Floaty Thing core magnets
Testing Floaty Thing core magnets

See (some of) you at PAX yEast!

Itchily yours,

<3 Q&D

Floaty Things, Remastered, and Tiny Dice, Oh My!
over 6 years ago – Fri, Feb 02, 2018 at 07:41:13 PM

We guess Floaty Things are the lions in this scenario, if the title tracks. Which is more or less on point because it is famously pleasing to balance objects a few inches above lions. January and February have been waging a relentless arctic assault on our poor frail bodies and faces so forgive us if this update is a bit stiff.


Floating Lions

Our first bulk set of Floaty Things are marching out this month! Or floating out. We’re on track to disperse about 100 over the next four weeks. We threw together a very brief video to make it a little easier to set them up once they arrive, and also to tease the more impatient folks among you.

Floatation devices that may or may not serve well as seat cushions.
Floatation devices that may or may not serve well as seat cushions.

Remastered Tigers

We’ve been diligently working on our warping problem for Remastered Hex Chests (technically we don’t have a problem, wood has that problem. Dumb ol’ wood. Shut up we love you). We’re cautiously optimistic that we can return to full scale craftering soon; we should be shipping your Hex Chest between February 20th and March 20th. Hollah.

Fixin' to fix 'em
Fixin' to fix 'em

Tiny Nordic Bears

Norse Foundry sent us some surprise teeny tiny dice, and we were so enamored that we made some teeny tiny Hex Chests to go with them. If you want to share your opinions or possibly just win one, do so!

Huge keys or mini Hex Chest!?
Huge keys or mini Hex Chest!?


Nerd out with your turd out,



Let's doooo the tiiiime warp agaiiiiin
over 6 years ago – Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 10:35:18 PM

Hello and welcome back to Updaticus Prime! 

Although we wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday season by sending everyone cookies, it turns out we like cookies too much, so we settled for a return adventure to a now snow-laden Updaticus Prime:

Pro-tip: Trust people less when they say they have a new and improved floater for you to check out, however improved it may be. We've been polishing up the woody bits, who are still awaiting their younger and more demanding brothers, electrical parts, still on their fishing vacation on the Pacific Ocean, but should be returning soon.

Twas two weeks before Christmas and all through the shop, we only packed flat packs without even a stop
Twas two weeks before Christmas and all through the shop, we only packed flat packs without even a stop

In the spirit of fact checking, we confirmed that the so-called flat packs aren't entirely flat. The silver lining is that you'll be able to confirm for yourself shortly ^_^

The Hex Chests were laid to the public with care, in hopes that some fun would float through the air
The Hex Chests were laid to the public with care, in hopes that some fun would float through the air

 Thanks to everyone who came by and said hello at PAX Unplugged!

The Runemasters inlays all snug in their wood, with visions of Dungeons and Dragons for good.
The Runemasters inlays all snug in their wood, with visions of Dungeons and Dragons for good.

While Hex Chest Remastered tops are coming along nicely, we've been encountering a problem with remastered bottom pieces warping in the shop on us :( Everyone in the shop has been working overtime to fix the issue, but we've finally come to terms that we need more time than we have to solve this. We want to make sure you get the best little dice buddies possible and are changing our delivery timetable to February so that we can get this done right! This effects all remaining: Runemasters, Oblong Octagons, Paragon of Hexagons, Ac Inc, and Spellweavers. If you are expecting your Remastered as a holiday gift, please send us an email if you'd like a placeholder to give your giftee while we work on your Hex Chest. 

For anyone who has experienced warping issues with their remastered Hex Chest, please shoot us an email so that we can replace yours with a fixed one in February. 

Finally, here's a catapult. Pew!

Adventures and fun for your holiday break, we give you dice and some catapults to keep you awake
Adventures and fun for your holiday break, we give you dice and some catapults to keep you awake

Hearts, tarts, and Paul Blarts,  



Did someone say "unconventional"?
over 6 years ago – Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 11:24:39 PM

...because that would be misleading. We are literally going to perform the most conventional act known to nerdkind: attend a convention. This weekend we'll be at PAX Unplugged! If you've ever been mad at plugs, or want to share in the experience of unplugging things, or you're a rebel and yearn to pronounce your pro-plug stance in an unfavorable arena (looking at you, Barbarian Who Hates Society and Picks Fights), come by and say "'allo!" at booth 948 at The Pennsylvania Convention Center.

In recognition of the fact that it has been slightly over a month since our last confession, a moment of silence [Quentin, plz photoshop in a moment to go in this location kthx -Dan].

Alright, actual updooty stuffs:

Pallets of Floaty Things Don't, Themselves, Float

This was honestly unexpected and quite frankly upsets some of our Floating Islands a-Laputa scheme (farewell, next Kickstarter, we knew yet not). Apparently 1,000s of pounds of floaty-thing technology just sits there like a lump, waiting to be carried around, a mountain of steel only Scrooge McDuck could properly enjoy. Anyway, the good news is they're on their way via the rather pedestrian and emotionally exhausting conveyance of FedEx.

Remastered Timelines

Bullets? Sure, why not, some bullets:

  • For everyone who had their survey in on time, we've shipped September and Octobert's (Septabert's older brother) pledges
  • We're currently working on November+December+late survey pledges which should be shipping this week through the month

A lower-case i is just a confused exclamation mark.



over 6 years ago – Fri, Oct 06, 2017 at 09:57:47 PM

It's said if you say "wolf howling box art" in the mirror three times, your cousin will catch you and video tape it and embarrass you online
It's said if you say "wolf howling box art" in the mirror three times, your cousin will catch you and video tape it and embarrass you online

Heyooo!! Shipping is ON for Hex Chests Remastered (and also Winged Dice :D)! Technically, it was on a while ago, but it's also on now, too. As well. Flap flap, little dices and boxes! We're right on schedule for our other rewards, too, so expect to see little emails of en-shippment in your electronic mailboxes as Flat Packs and Oblong Octagons and Floaty Things come out of the shop and into little shippy housey boxes.

A picture is worth a thousand words, or one hundred thousand snorts. It's a deflated currency, basically.
A picture is worth a thousand words, or one hundred thousand snorts. It's a deflated currency, basically.

Because (ah, to start a sentence with "because" - what a time to be alive) some of you ordered stuff that'll ship weeks or months apart (thank you, btw!) you may receive a few separate packages with your stuffins. Don't be alarmed if the early pledges arrive early, and the later stuff arrives... later. Dammit, I had something for this.

October pledges will all be out the door by the end of the month, which means your package will be tracking you down like a relentless pledge-seeking missile before Halloween. If you don't get a tracking number by Dress Up Like A Pirate Or Wizard Because Those Are The Two Best Costumes -day (Oct 31) email us and we'll figure out what happened!


<3, Q&D